Friday, January 22, 2010

is it really that bad?

I was tired of my tangled drawer of necklaces, so in a rare creative moment, I made this! I used an old frame from the basement, covered buttons and some beautiful fabric from Mrs. Guppy's. I was a happy girl. I loved getting some of my jewelry out of the reach of my children and in a spot where I could quickly grab what I wanted. It felt good to get my creative juices going and actually finish something. Yeah for me! Well, my enthusiam over this project was quickly swallowed up when Dave returned home.

He said that my lovely creation belonged in a Lesbian Master Bedroom. What? I explained that this level of craftiness would be wasted on most lesbians...even the non butch ones, but still he persisted. Dave's protest was mainly with the location. According to Dave, any place where a MAN might want to sleep or lie in bed and look at this on the wall was the wrong one. In my defense, I hung this behind the door into our room, so it wouldn't be prominently on display (after all these necklaces are no treasures...mostly buy one get one 1/2 off at Maurices), but I'm afraid any amount of "craft" is too much for my Dave. I have complied with nearly all of his craft paranoia. The walls of our home bear no witty catch phrases. I don't do toll painting or make him use his router to cut out hundreds of wooden easter eggs or witch hats or stockings. There are no dried flower sprays with rafia bows on our mantle. I have nothing that is bedazzled, or covered in buttons or ribbon. Our home is a Martha Stewart wasteland of sorts.

I think I will make something new to annoy him. Maybe a cute, fabric cover for his gun safe or some kind of a wooden animal to hang on our bathroom wall with a pouch for his toothbrush and razor.


Kamie said...

I almost peed my pants laughing Melissa! I think it looks great. I just have tacks stuck in the wall of our closet with my jewelry hanging on them.

Lynette said...

I love it! I think you should make one for his tools and hang it in the garage. That should teach him to complain.

Elizabeth said...

Hahaha... this was great. I think your craft is a great idea. Can you make me one so I know that I actually remember that I have necklaces that I could where?

Ginger Bower said...

You crack me up...most men don't care about the decorating. Is he a metrosexual? I thought most lesbians don't even care decorating let alone where nice jewelry, maybe I am wrong. Anyway, as always love the updates.