Thursday, March 31, 2011

the terrible two's...

Don't be fooled by this pose... It's been an epic month of naughtiness by this girl!

A few weeks ago she had an expensive week of destruction. She...

1) Poured one of these on my iPod touch.

2) Put a crack in this.
3) Pulled some keys off my laptop.

4) And, worst of all, the repairman called to tell us that the microwave she broke for the second time last month, cannot be repaired. Looks like I will be looking at this expanse of nothingness above my cooktop for a while.


melissa said...

She's so cute:):):):)

Lindsey said...

HOLY COW! All 3 of my kids combined haven't caused that much destruction! How in the world did she break the microwave?? Thanks for making my fit-throwing 2 year old look good :) (the ipod could dry out... it took Pats months, but it finally did...)

Clenece said...

Wow!!! Wow!!! Wow!!! That is one busy little girl with a face you can't help but love!

Island mama said...

Sounds just like a day in my life of little man! Almost exactly!!!! I'm too old for this....

Thinmeinside said...

Dear Melissa, I am sorry but it is because of the Mother's curse placed on Dave as a child. It is really not their or your fault it is Dave's......she sounds a lot like Justin and Kiersten. Merriann

Ginger said...

Being adorable is their only defense. Otherwise I would have beaten mine a long time ago. Good luck with that!!!

Lori said...

I love her!

Eleanor also just had a very special week of destruction...I hope she has gotten it out of her system!