Tuesday, April 5, 2011

murray dog...

This is our Murray.

Looking back it seems like we Dave and I were just kids when he came into our life...

And we were...

Murray loved to swim after sticks...

He loved to wrestle Misha for the frisbee...

He loved wearing his own backpack...

And he loved us! At a time when we would have been lost without him.

Murray was with us on lots of adventures...

And Murray was there for our greatest adventure EVER!

Wishing him an eternity worth of beautiful fields to run through...And that he can always be as happy as he was today!

We love you Murray!


Unknown said...

Apparently you and Dave got married when you were both11 years old. Sorry about Murray!

Shauntel said...

How is Misha handling it?

thelda Wimmer said...

I am going to cry just reading this. RIP Murray!

thelda Wimmer said...

Umm, this is Karra, not my mom. LOL

Lori said...

You guys were so wonderful to him. Murray will be missed!

Congrats on your upcoming 24th wedding anniversary! :)

Kamie said...

I'm going to cry too. So sad to lose a pet you love so much. Is Misha lonely? I know if Jasmine dies first, Jake will have such a hard time without her. He panics if she goes anywhere without him.