Remember my last post, from this morning, bragging about my cute kids? Well, they are still cute but the time for bragging has past! I am more than ready for my almost four year old to be potty trained and, unfortunately, he is not. There is a good chance than in the next month or two I could have three kids in diapers. Three! I'm not complaining about the kids, but to have three in diapers well...that's just a lot of money for Costco and a lot of work for me. Nevertheless, in the ongoing saga of trying to get Jacob to use the toilet, here is our latest adventure.
This week, I could tell Jacob was trying to poop (I won't go into details but some grunting and grabbing of a file cabinet for leverage were involved). Of course I asked him if he wanted to try and use the potty, but he adamently refused and asked me to "go away". Who am I to refuse him his privacy? After I left, Jacob did go into the bathroom to stand
next to the toilet and use his pull up. He then took his pullup off and shook out the poop into the toilet and came running in to find me, naked bum and all, to tell me he had pooped! "Where is the poop?" I nervously but hopefully inquired, "In the toilet!" he told me, hardly able to contain his excitement. It was only after we went into the bathroom that I realized how the poop had gotten there. He re-enacted it for me and everything. Not exactly what I was hoping for. I had to tell Jacob "Good job", anyway, because he was so excited and even going near the toilet for him is an accomplishment most days.
My mom keeps saying one day Jacob will just figure it out and he will be potty trained. It will be like magic, she tells me. Well, the magic bodily fluids fairy has yet to visit my home and she is long overdue. Maybe she forgot about our family while she was sprinkling her magic over my neighbors house, whose two year old daughter is potty trained. Or maybe she just couldn't fit us in because she was helping those crazy people out there who sit their six months old on the crapper looking for some Pavlov's dog response to a cold toilet seat. Certainly it must be our turn soon! Walt Disney keeps saying it's the year of a million I'm not giving up hope just yet.