Tuesday, December 2, 2008

toddlers much?

My boys were cracking me up yesterday.

In the morning, Jacob sat eating breakfast with his eyes tightly closed...
Me - "Why are you closing your eyes Jacob?"
Jacob - "Because I no want to see".
Nuff said I guess!

Later, I was carrying Edison down the hall at Jacob's school...
Eddie - "Hi, kid" "Hi you kid" to all the passing children.
Edison later pointed out his "red shirt" to Jacob's teacher. He is so smart!

Then to top off the adorableness, we had a little Christmas tree fiasco. I should have taken a picture, the other day, when I got my Christmas tree up and decorated, but I only got around to documenting Jacob's way of decorating the house, which I have kept up, because it makes me smile.

Instead, I waited until now to take our "Oh Christmas tree" picture, since the Christmas tree is now down. Right after dinner, I heard a suspicious, odd noise followed by Eddie saying "Oh my goodness" in his tiny baby voice. This is what I found.

When Jacob saw me, he immediately said "I so sorry mommy". I had to try and not laugh. And seeing as how the tree was already down, Jacob recognized the tree stand would make a great steering wheel and began driving the tree all over the living room. Things got ugly between the boys if Eddie tried to help steer.
I ran to grab my camera and document this "cuteness" when Eddie decided to open a bag of powdered sugar and cover the kitchen floor with it. Awww!

I don't even want to know what is going on as I write this post.


Unknown said...

I'd like to contrast this with Lori's blog where her children are all posing for a photo shoot in downtown GJ and smiling perfectly. If Amy and I tried to take a hip urban picture it would be of me screaming at Noel to get out of the road and telling Jonah that Santa wouldn't come if he didn't smile.

Do you think she was nicer in heaven and thus got all the good children? She is pretty nice on Earth, so my money is on that.

I love you, Lori!

tookiecramer said...

She is pretty nice on earth - post mission that is. Kidding Lori! I'm totally, mostly kidding. Lori's kids are just like their mother - they always look nice and you never see them sweat! How would it be?

Emerson Family said...

I am so glad you are so calm, who know's what I would have done! I don't even dare decorate my tree, it is up but who knows what will happen. Such cute kids though, Zaydree will have a tough time picking her eternal companion. I do like Jacobs sense of humor, but your right Eddie is so dang smart! Love ya, Jill

Mrs. Spencer said...

You make me laugh and oddly enough, I have a similar picture of my christmas tree on the ground this year too! I wasn't so calm about it though!

Penny and Dee said...

Oh my gosh, this brings back old memories...of 2 dozen eggs broken all over my kitchen floor and inside the fridge. Oh Melissa, the baby is beautiful! Maybe we can come down and see you kids sometime this year....we'll make an effort...promise. Aunt Penny and Uncle Dee